South likes: The Other Designs. Historical authenticity as artistic project at Beton7, Athens
South likes: The Other Designs. Historical authenticity as artistic project
Beton7, Athens
30 October – 22 November, 2014
Adopting a critical viewpoint shared by many contemporary academics, the exhibition The Other Designs accentuates the institutionalisation of antiquity as “national heritage”, highlighting the way it has shaped an ideological framework on experiencing and performing a national identity. Through the paradigm of Greece and the multifaceted historical and symbolic projections that come along with it, the works of Natasa Βiza, Roland Regner, Romy Rüegger, Vassilis Vlastaras and the accompanied publication with texts of international researchers contribute to the current re-examination of historical authenticity as a kind of “artistic” setup.
Klea Charitou